Well....Mother Nature fooled us again, didn't she? Just when we finished setting out petunias, marigolds, geraniums, roses and all our vegetable plants, Mother Nature
said "NOT YET, FOLKS." With Temperatures reaching above 70 last week, we all drug out the lawn furniture, tank tops, flip flops, shorts and anything else that screams WARM WEATHER!!! With the world in turmoil over COVID-19, we thought we had finally been given a break from being quarantined and were on to bright, sunny days.
We all had to scurry around, find enough old sheets, t-shirts or old clothing items to cover our tender, freshly planted goodies. Hope springs eternal and rest assured, warmer, sunnier days ARE ahead.
While we may have been given a setback with some cold (below freezing) temperatures, we are still doing business at Classic Real Estate and Property Management. We have new Tenant partners moving in, new Owner Partners joining our family and Vendor Partners performing their jobs without fail. While we have closed our offices to the public, we have tried to make the virtual, not in person transition, as easy as possible for everyone. As SOON as we are given the green light, we will reopen our offices. In the mean time, stay tuned, check back often and enjoy the beauty of our area, even if she does have a little frost around the edges.
Call us for all your Real Estate needs....renting, leasing, buying, selling or just to help ease your mind through these uncertain times. We are happy to help.
859-313-5231. And, check out our website at www.classicrealtyandrentals.com. You will find a wealth of information there and on this blog to answer any
of your questions.
Thanks for choosing us and thanks in advance for those we have not yet met and who will be joining our "family" in the future.